Svetlin Roussev

Since winning the first prize at the widely acclaimed first Sendai International Competition along with the audience prize and the best Bach concerto performance, the charismatic violin virtuoso Svetlin Roussev enjoys a prestigious international career.

Roussev is a regular guest soloist with various orchestras in the USA, Latin America, Asia and Europe. He has performed under the baton of conductors such as Myung.-Whun. Chung, Leon Fleisher, Yehudi Menuhin, Marek Janowski, Emmanuel Krivine, François-Xavier Roth, Jean-Jacques Kantorow, Emil Tabakov, Denis Russel-Davies, Pablo Gonzáles, Jean-Jacques  Kantorow in various orchestras such as the Orchestre National de France, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Orchestre National de Belgique, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra, Kremerata Baltica, and all of the leading symphony orchestras in his home country of Bulgaria.

Roussev performs a broad repertoire with the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra as its artist in residence every season for the past few years, and once as artistic director.  He is an honored artist in Bulgaria, where he received the Presidential Honorary Award and three Cristal Lyra distinctions from the Ministry of Culture. He even became an Honorary Citizen of his hometown Ruse.

His discography includes works by Vladigerov, Sibelius, Hartmann, Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Ravel, Martin, Brahms, Grieg, Medtner, Tchaikovsky, Ysaÿe, Lalo for the labels Claves, Arcantus, Fondamenta, Musique en Wallonie, DECCA…

As a child of violinists, Svetlin began playing the violin at the age of five. At the age of 15, he was accepted to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris. In 2008, he succeeded his teacher Jean-Jacques Kantorow as one of the youngest professors in the school’s history. He is still teaching violin students there today.

Since 2011 Svetlin Roussev performs on the Amati-Stradivarius 1720 violin kindly loaned by Amundi.